Hiring Process for Household Staff

Our process for placing household staff is tried and true after over 25 years in the industry. We take great care in a thorough but efficient method for matching household professionals with the needs of our client families.

  1. Consultation: The process begins with a call to discuss your specific needs. Please contact us to go over your household staffing wishes.
  2. Starting a Search: You will complete an online Client Application with the details of your unique requirements. We will then create a job description, collect the membership fee and Client Agreement, and begin the search.
  3. Interviews: We will begin sending you a select group of wonderful, pre-screened candidates to interview that match your search criteria. You will provide us with feedback on each candidate in order to tailor the search to further meet your needs, and bring one or two of the candidates back for “trial time” to observe them in action as part of a working interview.
  4. Hiring: After you have found your perfect match and are ready to make an employment offer, remember to always speak in terms of “gross pay” (not “take home” or “net pay”) when negotiating salary. You will fill in a Household Staff Employment Agreement that we will provide, detailing the specific duties, compensation, and terms of employment. The Referral Fee is then due for the referral of your household staffing candidate.
  5. Ongoing Support: MBF Agency is available to meet any of your post-placement needs, and can be contacted for industry recommendations / standards, appropriate expectations, and any necessary coaching or issue resolution.